You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Installing Meridian > Installing supplemental documentation

Installing supplemental documentation

Meridian is designed to show supplemental documentation that can be configured for each organization's unique needs. This documentation can be in the form of video tutorials (for example, those that are included with Meridian) or Adobe PDF files for any purpose. Some examples are:

The file names of the documents will appear in Printable Documentation and Video Tutorials submenus of the Help menu in the PowerUser client application.

To install supplemental documentation:

  1. On the Meridian application server, create subfolders named Printable Documentation and Video Tutorials in the folder specified for the user interface extensions share. By default, this folder is located at C:\BC-Meridian Extensions.

    Note    Only these subfolder names may be used.
  2. Create at least one additional level of subfolders to organize the supplemental documentation into different types, for example, Administrator's Guide, Configuration Guide, and so on as shown in the following figure. The subfolder names may be anything you choose.
  3. Place copies of the supplemental documentation files in these subfolders. For the Meridian video tutorials, copy the entire folder structure and its contents from the source location. The folder and file names will appear in the Help menu the next time the users open the client applications.

Tip    The file names in the Printable Documentation folder may be anything you want as long as they have the .pdf extension. For example, you might want to rename the Meridian documentation Adobe PDF files with names to match the documents' titles (Meridian2010_UG_LTR.pdf to BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User's Guide.pdf), shorter names (Meridian2010_UG_LTR.pdf to Meridian User's Guide.pdf), or names in your native language (Meridian 2010_UG_LTR.pdf to Guía del usuario de Meridian.pdf).

Upon startup, the Meridian client applications will scan the Printable Documentation subfolder structure for Adobe PDF files and scan the Video Tutorials subfolder structure for HTML files. No other file types are supported.

The following figure shows an example folder structure for the Adobe PDF files that are provided with Meridian and the files renamed.

The following figure shows the resulting menu structure.

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